Three days after Baby Teagan was born and one
Z-Pak (antibiotics for a sinus infection) later, new mother and baby came home.
After going through at least one box of Kleenex, two days with Roxy and Lola,
Bernese Mountain dogs, and the second snowstorm, it was a welcome change. 
Let me just say for the record that I am not a dog lover, but the three of us
survived.  What should've been a momentous and unforgettable day, ended up
being one but for a totally different reason.  After receiving three
phone calls minutes apart, that went unanswered because I was holding the
new baby; I decided to check my voicemail.  My mother left an urgent
message for me to return her call.  The other calls were from my brother
and my sister.  My first thought was that my father had a heart attack, so
I returned the call immediately. My cell phone service kept cutting
out, but on the third try it finally stayed connected.  My mother,
unsure if the call would be dropped again, blurted out quickly,
"Danton is dead!"  I think I stopped breathing for a
minute.  She went on, "He was in a car accident."  I
took the positive stance and said, "You mean he's in the
hospital."  I was sure she was just assuming the worst. 
Her response was, "No, he's dead."  After listening to
the few details she had been given, I called my brother who confirmed
it.  I then made the dreaded phone call to my sister to have her
confirmation that yes; her 18 year old son was killed in a car accident a few
hours earlier.  I just can't believe it kept
going through my head even though I knew it was true.  It truly is a day I
will never forget.